This page last changed on Aug 10, 2007 by scytacki.
  • edit the headers of the table, which changes the titles on the graph
  • color the data table to match the line colors
  • identifying outlying data points, should they included or are they outlyers.
  • selection of a point label it.
  • select a range too
  • showing the greatest slope requires 2 points
  • select line, click some tool, (slope) = (deltaY)/(deltaX)
  • ability to deal with real data with lots of noisy data points.
  • turn this into
  • setup a board with wax paper, wood and steel, block moving down the surface.
    • graph distance verus time for initial conditions
    • verbalize difference in the graphs.
      • describe the differences between two sets of data.
  • have a selection tool, then describe about that range.


  • questions to ask:
    • point to the spot, where block was going fastest?
      • graph can tell if that is right, or wrong.
    • how long did it take to get to the end of the slide.
      • have the student point to that spot on the graph to identify this.
  • student picks a data set and runs a veritcal line across the graph and describe what is happening at that point
    • in the 2 data set case both lines are the same.


  • if we can select a point or area
  • then the graph tells the slope or value of the area


  • what is the value of the graph when the time is 2
  • how long did it take to get from lenght 2 to lenght 10
    • answer is 5 sec.
    • if they are wrong flash it.

Coach with an activity:

  • while the coach is describing the story the graph gets highlighted in different ways. As the coach says the student starts at the top, that part is highlighted.


  • plant growth
    • height each day different colors and labels
    • ask where is the growth the greatest.
  • be able to show the comparsion between sequential bars.
    • highlight delta areas of the bars.

Flip back and forth between line and graph:

General form 1:

  • ask them a question
  • have them highlight the part of the graph
  • give them guidance, using a verbal script, that can be filled in with information from the graph.

form 2:

  • decribe a bar with words, using a verbal script with variables
    • the verbal script can change based on the conditions of the bar.

Large new idea is verbal scripts

  • give the Author tools to write scripts that can be based on the
  • add a button to the activity which programmically selects two points and then uses the functionally above to describe it.

Smart Graphs.doc (application/msword)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:49